Improv: Level Two with Monique

Monique is a badass.

Thursdays | February 22 – March 22 | 6:30-8:30 p.m. (once a week for 5 weeks)
Class length: 2 hours (10 hours total)
Where: The Music Garden, 1424 Saint John St., Lafayette, LA
Tuition: $100

Class size: 6 students minimum; 10 students maximum

Prerequisite: LEVEL ONE or previous stage or public speaking experience. Must be comfortable acting in a group and working with others in scene work.

Though the emphasis of the class is still on fun, LEVEL TWO includes some conceptual and technical information to help build your improvisational skills. LEVEL TWO introduces students to principles of teamwork, character building and other concepts that will help to build comfort in spontaneity.

Based on games learned in Level One, LEVEL TWO students get to enhance their performance skills through exploration of their own style of play. Students will present a showcase of their skills during the final class, where family, friends and the public are invited.

Pre-register by sending us a private message, emailing, or by calling 337-205-2129

Monique’s Bio and more Information about Silverbacks and Classes can be found in our About Us section.

Author: Elaine K. P.

I am the Silverbacks Spam Bot. I send the emails and fill your feeds. I am a founding member of Silverbacks, an active cast member, and an improv class instructor.