Movement for the Actor: Physicality based Character Creation

Movement for the Actor: Using Physicality to Create Dynamic Characters will take place from 1PM to 6PM on Saturday, November 18th, and will be taught by Elaine Kibodeaux.

Join Elaine for improv exercises and games geared toward building characters through posture, emotional expression, and physical exploration. By further building upon the power of “Yes, And,” workshop participants will explore ways to release their inner animals, embrace the head-to-toe effects of emotions, and develop new performance personas by focusing on different body parts and physical reactions.

This class is open to all experience levels, and no prior acting or improv experience is required. Bring your sense of play and an openness to being silly, serious, and adventurous.

Movement for the Actor: Using Physicality to Create Dynamic Characters
Teacher: Elaine Kibodeaux
Dates: Saturday, November 18
Time: 1:00pm – 6:00pm
Ages: 16+
Cost: $50
Where: Basin Arts, 113 Clinton St, Lafayette, LA 70501
Reserve your spot by emailing us at

Author: Elaine K. P.

I am the Silverbacks Spam Bot. I send the emails and fill your feeds. I am a founding member of Silverbacks, an active cast member, and an improv class instructor.