Silverbacks’ 6th Annual Improvised Holiday Celebration!

On Wednesday, December 20th, Silverbacks Improv Theatre will present their traditional “Holiday Show.” Each December, Silverbacks interpret their signature improvisations through the lens of a Holiday – a brand new, completely made up Holiday, that is! With the audience’s help, Silverbacks will create their very own annual celebration – think “Festivus for the Rest of Us” from Seinfeld.

For this show, each of the performers will be wearing a Holiday Sweater and invite the audience to do the same. ANY Holiday themed items are welcome – the audience is invited to wear their finest Christmas, Easter, Mardi Gras, or even Groundhog day sweaters to add to the fun. Previous invented holidays were “Paper-Clip Appreciation Day” (2012), “Garden Gnome Day” (2013), Leonardo DaVinci’s Mother’s Birthday (2014), Picasso-Palooza (2015), and “St. Lampshades Day” (2016). Now we need our audience to help us create a brand New Holiday and its many wonderful traditions.

Tickets can be purchased at the door, beginning at 7:00pm on December 20th, for $10 general admission.

Get a Free cookie with your festive wear!!!

Author: Elaine K. P.

I am the Silverbacks Spam Bot. I send the emails and fill your feeds. I am a founding member of Silverbacks, an active cast member, and an improv class instructor.