You spoke up and we listened: We’re throwing it waaaaay back to The 90s again!
Friday, May 17th, 7:30pm @ 2nd Stage at Cité des Arts
$10 general admission
($8 with ID for Students, Teachers, and Seniors!)
On Friday, May 17th at 7:30pm, Silverbacks Improv Theatre will revisit its popular “90s Sitcom” format. The group will improvise a one-act play inspired by classic 90s television shows, such as Full House, Family Matters, Home Improvement and more.
You could call it: Step by Step Family Improvement Full of Ties in the Wonder Years when a Boy Meets World – “A 90s Sitcom” – Featuring MONIQUE (not that Monique).
Costumed in their best 90’s apparel, the performers will embrace the golden age of family sitcoms (or the lowest sitcoms of all time, depending on your perspective). Family hi-jinks, wacky neighbors, precocious kids, blended families, and coming of age – all are ripe for the picking!
We invite you to relive the decade of TGIF and slap bracelets with us and come dressed up in your most stylin’ 90s threads!